Travel Information

  • International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
  • Baggage Regulation of International Routes
  • Cut-off Time for Reference
  • Provisions on the Passengers and Crew Carrying Dangerous Goods
  • Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan
  • Through Check-in
  • Disapproval of Complaints
  • Notice on Entry and Exit of Minors in Portugal
  • Regulation on Refund and Rebooking due to Illness of international and regional Flights

                                                   Beijing Capital Airline General Conditions of
                                         International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
Article 1 Definitions
Article 2 Scope of Use
Article 3 Tickets
Article 4 Fares and Fees
Article 5 Reservations
Article 6 Check-in and Boarding
Article 7 Carriage Refusals and Restrictions
Article 8 Baggage
Article 9 Schedule, Delays, Cancellation of Flights
Article 10 Ticket Changes
Article 11 Refund
Article 12 Conduct aboard Aircraft
Article 13 Common service
Article 14 Additional Service Arrangements
Article 15 Administrative Formalities
Article 16 Liabilities and Limitations
Article 17 Other Provisions

Article 1 Definitions
1 The definitions of the following expressions in the “Beijing Capital Airline General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage” (hereinafter referred to as the Conditions),  are as follows:
1.1 “Convention”, refers to the instrument(s) used according to the stipulations of the contract:“The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air”, signed in Warsaw, October 12, 1929 (hereinafter referred to as the Warsaw Convention);“The Warsaw Convention as Amended at The Hague”, signed in The Hague, September 12, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the Hague Protocol);“The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air”, signed in Montreal on May 28, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the Montreal Convention).
1.2 “International Carriage” means, unless otherwise provided by a Convention, transportation which, according to the contract of carriage concluded by the carriers, either the place of departure of carriage or the destination or an agreed stopping place, whether or not there is a break or transfer in the transportation, is not inside the borders of the People’s Republic of China.
1.3 “Carrier” means the public air transportation corporation who issues the ticket, transports or commits to transport the passenger listed on the ticket and their baggage.
1.4 “Validating Carrier” the issuing airline whose numeric airline code is reflected in the transaction for the flight coupon(s).
1.5 “Operating carrier”, the carrier used in a codeshare situation when different from the marketing carrier.
1.6 “Airport Authority”, it refers to the organization with legal personality established according to law or entrusted to be responsible for airport safety and operation management.
1.7 “Authorized Sales Agent” means an agent who has been appointed by the carrier to represent the carrier in the sale of air transportation.
1.8 “Authorized Ground Handling Agent” means the enterprise which has been authorized by JD to provide, on our behalf and within the scope of authorization, the passenger and baggage handling services for the flights operated by JD.
1.9 “Ticket” the document issued by or on behalf of carrier and including conditions of contract, notices and the coupons contained in it.
1.10 “Days” means calendar days, including all seven days of the week; provided that, for the purpose of passenger notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted.
1.11 “Tickets purchased”, it refers to the state that the transport contract is established according to the law or the agreement of both parties.
1.12 “Exchange”, the issuance of a new ticket necessitated by a change to the carrier, flight, date, class of service or sector of the first flight coupon of the ticket.
1.13 “Voluntary refund”, it refers to the passenger's request for refund due to his own reasons.
1.14 “Involuntary refund”, unused ticket is refund because of: Flight cancellation, Flight schedule change, Over carriage, Misconnection.
1.15 “Voluntary exchange”, it refers to the passenger's request for exchange due to his own reasons.
1.16 “Involuntary exchange”, unused ticket is exchanged because of: Flight cancellation, Flight schedule change, Over carriage, Misconnection.
1.17 “Carrier reasons”, it refers to the carrier's internal reasons, including maintenance, flight deployment, crew deployment, etc.
1.18 “Non-carrier reasons”, it refers to other reasons unrelated to the carrier's internal management, including weather, emergencies, air traffic control, security inspection, passengers and other factors.
1.19 “Baggage” means such articles carried by a passenger that are necessary or appropriate for his/her wear, use, comfort or convenience in connection with the trip. Unless otherwise specified, it shall include both checked and unchecked baggage (carry-on) of the passenger.
1.20 “Checked Baggage” means Baggage of which the carrier takes sole custody and for which the carrier has issued a baggage check.
1.21 “Unchecked Baggage” means any baggage of the passenger which the passenger takes sole custody of other than checked baggage, also referred to as “carry-on baggage.”
1.22 “Ticket Price”, the price for the carrier to transport passengers from the origin to the destination by using civil aircraft, excluding taxes and fees collected in accordance with the state regulations.
1.23 “Planned departure time”, departure time approved by flight time management department.
1.24 “Planned arrival time”, it refers to the arrival time approved by the flight schedule management department.
1.25 “Ticket tariffs”, the published fares, rates, changes and related conditions of a carrier.
1.26 “Ticket rebooking”, a change to the reservations date without a change of ticketed points.
1.27 “Endorsement”, the transfer of authority required when a passenger with an international ticket wishes to rebook to a carrier other than the carrier shown on the ticket.
1.28 “Interline flight”, means more than two (inclusive) flights listed in a single transport contract.
1.29 “Missed flight”, it refers that the passenger fails to complete the check-in procedures within the specified time or fails to board due to the non-compliance of his / her ID card.
1.30 “Wrong multiply”, refers to the passenger taking the wrong flight.
1.31 “Missed multiplication”, it refers that the passenger fails to take the flight listed in his ticket after completing the check-in procedures or passing through the boarding gate.
1.32 “Small animals”, it refers to the small animals consigned by passengers, including cats, dogs or other kinds of small animals raised by families.
1.33 “Over booking”, it refers to the carrier's behavior that the number of seats sold exceeds the actual number of seats available on a certain flight in order to avoid seat wasting.
1.34 “Agreed Stopping Places” means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the Ticket or shown in the carrier’s timetables as scheduled stopping places on the passenger’s route.
1.35 “Stopover” means a deliberate interruption to the journey by the passenger, at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination, which has been agreed to in advance by the Carrier.
Article 2 Scope of Use
2. 1 General
2.1.1 Except as provided in 2.2 and 2.3, these Conditions apply to all international and regional (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan included) carriage of passenger and baggage on the civil aircraft for which Beijing Capital Airline are paid.
2.1.2 These Conditions also apply to no-charge and reduced fares carriages.
2.1.3 Unless otherwise provided, in the event of any inconsistency between these any other regulations Beijing Capital Airline may have dealing with particular subjects, these General Conditions of Carriage shall prevail.
2.2 Charter
According to the transportation incorporated in the charter agreement, passengers and baggage that have been accepted to transportation by charter should accord with Beijing Capital Airline charter agreement provisions. These Conditions shall be taken as final when the carriage is outside the charter agreement.
2.3 Codeshare
Our Conditions of Carriage also apply to codeshare flights operated by JD.
2.4 Exceptions
To the extent that any provision contained or referred to herein is contrary to anything contained in the Conventions, laws, government regulations, orders or requirements, those Conventions, laws, government regulations, orders or requirements shall be taken as final. The other provisions of these Conditions remain valid.
Article 3 Ticket
3.1 Ticket is Evidence of the Contract of Carriage
The ticket is evidence of the contract of carriage between the issuing carrier and the passenger. The carrier will provide carriage only to the passenger holding such a ticket, or any other carrier document issued by the carrier or its authorized agent and will assume liability pursuant to these carriage provisions. The ticket remains at all times the property of the issuing Carrier. The Conditions of Contract contained on the ticket are a summary of some of the provisions of these Conditions of Carriage.
The sales agent shall notice the passenger the ticket’s cabin code, applicable fares and tariff, including the exchange rule and refund rule, free baggage allowance, and whether the flight provides meals. The sales agent shall notice the passengers the travel information, including the check-in deadline at the departure terminal, prohibited or restricted luggage, etc.
Passengers need to check the relevant regulations of the departure, stopover or destination country.
3.2 Provisions for Using Tickets
Passengers must purchase tickets with their own valid ID, the valid ID card used for booking shall be the same as that used for check-in.
A person who uses an electronic ticket shall not be entitled to be carried on a flight unless that person provides valid identification and valid status of the electronic ticket checked by Beijing Capital Airline or its ground service agent. The electronic ticket itinerary only records the passenger’s travel information, and cannot be regarded as the necessary evidence for the passenger to check in and have security inspection.
3.3 Ticket not Transferable
3.3.1 Tickets are not transferable.
3.3.2 If someone other than the person entitled to be carried on a ticket travels pursuant to that ticket or is given a refund in connection therewith, Beijing Capital Airline shall not be liable to the person with the original right to use of the ticket.
3.3.3 If a ticket were to be used or refunded by any person other than the person entitled to be carried, Beijing Capital Airline would not be liable to the person entitled to be carried or refunded.
3.4 Period of Validity of the Ticket
3.4.1 A ticket is valid for carriage for one year from the date of commencement of travel or if no portion of the ticket is used, from the date of issue.
3.4.2 The validity period of a special fare ticket is calculated according to Beijing Capital Airline Regulations.
3.4.3 The validity of a ticket is calculated from the date of commencement of travel or 00:00 of the day following the day upon which a ticket is issued to 00:00 of the day following the expiration date.
3.5 Extension of Validity of the Ticket
3.5.1 If for the following reasons, the passenger is prevented from travelling within the period of validity of the ticket, the validity of the passenger's ticket will be extended until Beijing Capital Airline first flight on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid, the extension shall not exceed one year:
1. Cancellation of the flight on which the passenger holds a reservation;
2. Omission of a scheduled stop, being the passenger's place of departure, place of destination or a stopover;
3. Failure to operate a flight reasonably according to schedule;
4. Causing the passenger to miss a connection;
5. Inability to provide a previously confirmed space;
6. Uunable to provide a seat in the class of service the passenger has paid for.
3.5.2 When a passenger is prevented from travelling within the period of validity of his/her ticket by reason of illness, Beijing Capital Airline will extend the period of validity of that passenger’s ticket until the date when he/she becomes fit enough to travel according to a medical certificate, or until Beijing Capital Airline first flight after such date from the point where the journey is resumed on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid. If the later flight’s fare is higher than that of the class paid by the passenger, the fare difference shall be paid. The validity of the ticket will be extended for no more than three months. In such circumstances, Beijing Capital Airline will extend similarly the period of validity of tickets of other members of his or her accompanied passenger (a maximum of two).
3.5.3 In the event of the death of a passenger, the Tickets of persons accompanying the passenger may be modified by waiving the minimum stay or extending the period of validity. In the event of a death in the immediate family of a passenger, the validity of the passenger’s ticket may be modified. Any such modification shall be made upon receipt of a valid death certificate and any such extension of validity shall not be longer than forty-five (45) days from the date of the death shown on the death certificate. Accompanying passengers are limited to two.
3.6 Coupon Use Sequence
3.6.1 Beijing Capital Airline will honor flight coupons, or in the case of an electronic ticket, an electronic coupon, only in sequence from the place of departure as shown on the ticket.
3.6.2 Beijing Capital Airline may not honor the passenger’s ticket if the first flight coupon for international travel has not been used and the passenger commences his journey at any stopover or agreed stopping place.
3.6.3 Each flight coupon, or in the case of an electronic ticket, will be accepted for carriage by Beijing Capital Airline in the class of service specified therein on the date and flight for which accommodation has been reserved. When flight coupons, or in the case of an electronic ticket, are issued without a reservation being specified thereon, space will be reserved on application subject to the conditions for the relevant fare and the availability of space on the flight applied for.
Article 4 Fares and Fees
4.1 General
Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination. Fares do not include ground transport service between airports and between airports and town centers.
4.2 Applicable Fare
The fare will be calculated in accordance with our tariff in effect on the date of issuing your ticket for travel on the specific date, itinerary and other information shown on the ticket.
4.3 Taxes and Charges
The passenger should pay the applicable taxes, fees and charges imposed by government or other authorities, or by the operator of an airport. At the time you purchase your ticket, you will be advised of taxes, fees and charges not included in the fare, most of which will normally be shown separately on the ticket.
4.4 Currency
Except where otherwise provided, passengers should pay fares and charges in the currency of the place of issuance of the ticket. When payment is made in a currency other than the currency of country of issue, such payment will be made at the BSR.
Article 5 Reservations
5.1 General
5.1.1 A reservation is not confirmed until it is recognized by Beijing Capital Airline or its Authorized Agent. Only when the passenger has paid for his ticket within the reservation and ticketing time limit prescribed in Beijing Capital Airline Regulations and the ticket is issued by Beijing Capital Airline or its Authorized Agent, and the reservation entered on the appropriate flight coupon, is a reservation considered valid and effective.
5.1.2 As provided in Beijing Capital Airline Regulations, certain fares may have conditions which limit or exclude the passenger’s right to change or cancel reservations. For specific provisions regarding such ticket prices, please refer to the corresponding transportation provisions.
5.2 Ticketing Time Limit
If the passenger has not paid for his/her ticket within the prescribed ticketing time limit, the reservation may be cancelled by Beijing Capital Airline or its Authorized Agent.
5.3 Personal Data
The passenger shall provide the carrier or the sales agent with the necessary personal information and the effective contact information as stipulated by the state. When the carrier or its sales agent sells tickets, the passenger's contact information and other necessary personal information shall be accurately entered into the CRS system.
The passenger accepts that personal data has been given to Beijing Capital Airline for the purposes of making a reservation for carriage, obtaining ancillary services, facilitating immigration and entry requirements. For these purposes the passenger authorizes Beijing Capital Airline to retain such data and to transmit it to government organizations, its own offices, other carriers or the providers of such services, in whatever country they may be located.
5.4 Seating
Beijing Capital Airline will do our best to meet your advance seating request, however we cannot guarantee that we can provide any specific seat to you. For operational, safety or security reasons, we reserve the right to assign or reassign seats at any time, even after boarding on the aircraft.
5.5 Reconfirmation of Reservation
Beijing Capital Airline does not require reconfirmation of reservations for continuing or return flights that have already been booked. However, if the ticket contains flights which connect to another carrier’s flight, it may be subject to the operating carrier’s requirement of reservation reconfirmation. In the event of failure to comply with any such requirement, the carrier has the right to cancel the passenger’s reservation and Beijing Capital Airline is not liable to the passenger for loss or expense resulting from this. Passengers should first inquire about reconfirmation of reservation requirements of the other relevant carriers, and if reconfirmation of reservations is required, the passenger should comply with the reconfirmation rule directly with the carrier whose code is shown on the ticket.
5.6 The carrier will cancel the connecting flight seat
Beijing Capital Airline has the right to cancel any connecting flight seat if a passenger doesn’t use the reserved seat ahead and reconfirm the connecting flight seat after.
5.7 Reserve seat priority
5.7.1 Passengers who request confirmed seat with totally or partially unused ticket have no right to reserve seat with priority.
5.7.2 Passengers who request changing ticket with totally or partially confirmed ticket have no right to reserve seat with priority.
5.7.3 As to passengers who involuntarily change route, they can reserve seat with priority if condition permits.
Article 6 Check-in and Boarding
6.1 Check-in
6.1.1 Check-in deadlines differ according to airports and we suggest that you keep yourself informed about and meet these check-in deadlines. The passenger shall arrive at the airport within the prescribed time limit to complete travel document inspection, baggage checking and boarding pass issuance with valid personal identification and travel documents. We have the right to cancel your reservation if you fail to complete check-in before the specified check-in deadline.
6.1.2 The passenger who has made a reservation can check-in directly at the check-in counter, while those who haven’t made a reservation shall be processed as a standby at check-in according to Beijing Capital Airline Regulations.
6.2 Boarding
The passenger shall arrive in sufficient time at Beijing Capital Airline given boarding gate after check-in and completing all government formalities. If the passenger fails to arrive in time or appears improperly documented or not ready to travel, Beijing Capital Airline may cancel the reserved space for the purpose of not delaying the flight’s departure, and without the liability to the passenger for loss or expense due to the passenger’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Article.
Article 7 Carriage Refusals and Restrictions
7.1 Right to Refuse Carriage
Beijing Capital Airline may refuse carriage of any passenger or passenger’s baggage for reasons of safety or in the exercise of its reasonable discretion due to following circumstances:
7.1.1 In order to comply with any applicable laws, regulations or orders of any state or country to be flown from, into or through.
7.1.2 Passengers who refuse to accept security check.
7.1.3 Luggage without safety inspection.
7.1.4 The passengers’ behavior may endanger flight safety or public order, the passenger have committed misconduct during the transport by air ever before, and the carrier have reason to believe that such misconduct could occur again.
7.1.5 The passenger has failed to observe the instructions of Beijing Capital Airline or the government, or has not abided by the Beijing Capital Airline crew’s arrangement and advice.
7.1.6 The passenger has not, according to the regulations, paid the applicable fares or taxes or Beijing Capital Airline does not accept his/her credit payment.
7.1.7 The passenger does not show his passport, visa or other valid travel documents. The passenger may seek to enter a country illegally through which he is in transit, or may destroy his documentation during the flight, or will not surrender travel documents to be held by the flight crew, against receipt, when so requested by Beijing Capital Airline.
7.1.8 Passengers whose identity documents issued at the time of check-in are inconsistent with those issued at the time of ticket purchase.
7.1.9 The ticket has been acquired unlawfully or has been purchased from an entity other than the issuing Carrier or its Authorized Agent, or has been reported as being lost or stolen, or is a counterfeit ticket, or the person presenting the ticket cannot prove that he is the person named in the ticket.
7.2 Beijing Capital Airline has the right to determine the carriage of passenger and baggage when the actual load exceeds the maximum load of the aircraft. Beijing Capital Airline will inform such passengers before departure, and the ticket will be handled as involuntary refunding.
7.3 Limitations on Carriage
Passenger who travels with infant, unaccompanied minor, disabled person, pregnant woman, person with illness or other types of passenger who need special assistance can be accepted for carriage, please call our customer service hotline 95375 in advance.
7.4 Arrangements for Passengers refused to be carried
When travelling by Beijing Capital Airline, in the event of the carriage of a passenger or baggage being refused, if a passenger requests a written proof, unless otherwise regulated by the state, the carrier shall provide it in time. If the passenger requests to refund for personal reasons, it should be handled as voluntary refunding. If it is non personal reason, it should be handled as involuntary refunding.
7.5 Arrangements for passengers who missed the flight or take the wrong flight
The passenger is missed due to the carrier's reason; the carrier or its sales agent shall, on the involuntary principles, exchange or refund the ticket.
The passenger is missed due to the non-carrier's reason; the carrier or its sales agent shall, on the voluntary principles, exchange or refund the ticket.
Article 8 Baggage
8.1 Items Prohibited and Limited as Baggage
8.1.1 Items which are unacceptable as baggage Items which do not constitute baggage as defined in Article 1 hereof. Items which are likely to endanger the aircraft or persons or property on board the aircraft specified in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, the Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations, and the prohibited & restricted items for checked and cabin baggage for civil aviation passengers of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and in Beijing Capital Airline Regulations. Especially those following prohibited articles: explosives, compressed gases, corrosive substances, oxides, radioactive or magnetized objects, flammable, poisonous, dangerous or irritating substances. For more information about the relative substances, please contact Beijing Capital Airline. Guns ammunitions knives or other similar items or replicas of the above items. But firearms and ammunitions for hunting and sporting purposes can be accepted as checked baggage, subject to the requirements set forth in Article 8.1.3 Items whereby the carriage of which is prohibited by the applicable laws, regulations or orders of any state to be flown from, to or as part of a stopover. Items which are unsuitable for carriage by reason of their package, shape, weight, size or character. Live animals, except as provided for in 8.11 of this Article.
8.1.2 Items which are not transported as checked baggage
The passenger shall not include in checked baggage fragile or perishable items, money, jewelry, antiques, precious metals, gold and silver products, negotiable papers, securities, bank cards, credit cards or other valuables, business, government or private documents, passports and other identification documents, samples, medicine or medical devices or equipment, keys, computers, video cameras, cameras, mobile phones or other valuable electronics. Beijing Capital Airline is not liable for losses or expenses caused by a passenger’s negligence.
8.1.3 Items which are limited in transportation
The following items, which may be agreed to by Beijing Capital Airline and in accordance with Beijing Capital Airline Regulations, are permitted to be transported. We recommend that precision instruments and electric devices be carried as cargo. If they are carried as checked baggage, they must be properly packed, these items are not factored into the free baggage allowance, and baggage fee must be paid for such baggage separately based on the standards on excess baggage fee collection. Guns for sporting purposes may be accepted as Checked Baggage with a gun carriage permit or proof of approval from the State General Administration of Sports. Application is required before airline agrees to transport. Guns must be unloaded with the safety catch on, and be suitably packed. Carriage of ammunition is subject to ICAO and IATA regulations, as well as applicable national laws, regulations, or orders from countries of departure, arrival and those in passing. The forbidden to carry goods, such as sharp instruments, blunt objects, etc., which are prohibited by the CAAC, can be carried as luggage. Dry ice, liquid drinks, cosmetics containing alcohol. Electric wheelchair that passenger uses during travel because the passenger becomes less mobile due to illness, health and age or due to leg bone fracture.
8.1.4 Items that shall have an exemption baggage tag attached
Due to the value,nature of contents or possible passenger negligence which would lead to controversy when accepting baggage,Beijing Capital Airline shall attach an exemption baggage tag to exempt the corresponding responsibility of Beijing Capital Airline. Such baggage may include: Fragile and easily damaged baggage Improperly packed baggage Small animals, fresh and alive objects, perishable goods or perishable goods carried in the baggage The passenger was late in presenting the baggage for transportation Damaged baggage Checked Baggage whose weight and size is out of the limitation regulated by the carrier or oversized baggage Unlocked baggage or baggage with a broken lock Unchecked Baggage whose size exceeds the limitation of the baggage in the cabin
8.2 Right to Refuse Carriage
Beijing Capital Airline may refuse carriage of baggage of such items described in 8.1.1 of this Article and may refuse further carriage of any such items on discovery thereof during carriage.
8.3 Right of Check
For reasons of carriage safety and security, Beijing Capital Airline can check passenger’s baggage according to the regulation. For the purpose of determining whether passenger carried or carried secretly items in the baggage described in 8.1.1and 8.1.3 above, Beijing Capital Airline may check, scan or X-ray check the passenger’s baggage even if he or she does not present.  If any damage occurs because of the X-ray check or scan, Beijing Capital Airline takes no responsibility unless the damage is the result of Beijing Capital Airline negligence. If the passenger is unwilling to comply with such a request, Beijing Capital Airline may refuse to carry the passenger or the baggage.
8.4 Checked Baggage
8.4.1 Upon delivery to Beijing Capital Airline of baggage to be checked, Beijing Capital Airline shall take custody thereof and issue a baggage identification tag for each piece of checked baggage.
8.4.2 Passengers shall label the name, contact method or other personal identification mark on the inside or outside of the checked baggage.
8.4.3 Best efforts should be made by Beijing Capital Airline for checked baggage to be carried on the same flight with the passenger, however for the purpose of safety, or transportation security, in the event passenger’s checked baggage cannot be carried along with the passenger,Beijing Capital Airline should explain to the passenger and carry the checked baggage on the next flight when the space is available. If your checked baggage is carried on a subsequent flight we will deliver it to your hand, unless the law requires you to be present for customs clearance.
8.4.4 At present, the size, weight and pieces of free baggage allowance on the international routes of Capital Airlines is: 2 pieces for business cabin (the weight of each piece of luggage shall not exceed 32kg / 70lb, and the sum of three dimensions shall not exceed 158CM / 62in.), 1 piece for economy cabin (the weight of each piece of luggage shall not exceed 23kg /51lb, and the sum of three dimensions shall not exceed 158CM / 62in.). Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of baggage allowance for international routes issued by the carrier shall prevail.
8.5 Unchecked (Carry-On) Baggage
8.5.1 Baggage which the passenger carries on to the aircraft must fit under the seat in front of the passenger or in an enclosed storage compartment in the cabin.
8.5.2 Unless otherwise specified, unchecked baggage taken into the business cabin may not exceed 2 pieces, economy cabin may not exceed 1 piece and 5kg/piece and the total length of its three dimensions may not exceed 115cm. Baggage which exceeds the above regulations should be transported as checked baggage.
8.5.3 If the weight or size of the passenger’s baggage goes against the regulations of 8.5.2, and is unsuitable to be transported in the cargo compartment, such as a delicate musical instrument, the passenger shall inform Beijing Capital Airline in advance if he or she wants to carry it as unchecked baggage. Only after receiving consent from Beijing Capital Airline the baggage may be carried into the cabin. Charges will be issued according to the seat space taken up in the cabin.
8.6 Free Baggage Allowance
8.6.1 For JD’s international flight, the free baggage allowance is calculated by piece. The pieces of free baggage allowance will be handled according to the provisions of each route.
8.6.2 In the case of Passengers buying tickets at different service class for different segments, the free baggage allowance can be calculated according to the free baggage allowance regulated on different flight legs.
8.6.3 Where two or more passengers, travelling as one party to a common destination or point of stopover by the same flight, present themselves and their baggage for travelling at the same time and place, their free baggage allowance may be calculated together according to the standard ticket price level regulations of each.
8.6.4 In the event of a voluntary itinerary change, the free baggage allowance should follow the regulation applied to free baggage allowance of the ticket price level after the itinerary change. If it is an involuntary itinerary change, the free baggage allowance follows the original regulations.
8.7 Excess Baggage
8.7.1 Excess baggage can be carried only after the passenger pays the excess baggage charge and Beijing Capital Airline issues an excess baggage check.
8.7.2 Each piece of baggage exceeding the free baggage allowance will be charged according to the relevant regulations.
8.8 Value Declaration and Charge
8.8.1 A passenger may declare a value for checked baggage if the value of the baggage is more than the limit specified in the Convention.
8.8.2 The value declared cannot be in excess of the real value of the checked baggage. The value of passengers’ Baggage can be declared at the value of 2,500 USD or equivalent currency at most.
8.8.3 Beijing Capital Airline will charge the additional value declaration expenses at $1 for every $100 (charge $1 if less than $100). If the value declared by the passenger is over the regulated declaration value in 8.8.1.
8.8.4 Beijing Capital Airline does not apply value declaration to unchecked baggage, seat baggage, diplomatic bags and other special items, for example musical instruments. For specific inquiries, please contact Beijing Capital Airline or its authorized agent.
8.8.5 Beijing Capital Airline does not apply value declaration to any small animal carried by a passenger.
8.8.6 If partial transportation of the baggage with value declaration is carried by other carriers that do not offer a value declaration service, Beijing Capital Airline has the right to refuse the offer value declaration service for Carried Baggage.
8.8.7 In the case of return of Baggage with value declared, a surcharge paid for the Baggage declared value will be refunded if the return of Baggage is made at the place of departure, but will not be refunded if the return of Baggage is made at a stopping place.
8.9 Delivery of Baggage
8.9.1 Passengers shall claim their baggage at the destination or stopover with their checked baggage identification tag as early as possible.
8.9.2 Beijing capital Airline delivers the baggage according to the baggage identification tag, whether the checked baggage’s collector is the passenger himself/herself or not, for which Beijing Capital Airlines will not bear any responsibility of the loss and expense.
8.9.3 When claiming the baggage without showing the baggage check and identification tag, a proof approved by Beijing Capital Airline should be presented, or agreement of the compensation of possible damage to Beijing Capital Airline according to regulation should be declared when necessary, then he or she can claim the baggage.
8.9.4 When passengers claim baggage and do not offer a written objection, it will create a rebuttable presumption that the baggage has been delivered according to the transportation contract.
8.10 Special regulations
8.10.1 Seat Baggage If the baggage has to take up extra seat, the passenger should request space in advance when reserving the seat and the baggage can only be transported with the permission of Beijing Capital Airline. The passenger takes responsibility for the seat baggage he or she carries. The weight of seat baggage may not be in excess of 75kg and the baggage should be properly packed. To guarantee the safety of the flight, the seats of the passengers and their seat baggage shall be designated by Beijing Capital Airline and for the entire trip the baggage should be secured by safety belt. When necessary, the baggage should be fastened by a cross arm brace. Seat baggage is not included in free baggage allowance and the fare is charged according to the available Reservations Booking Designator’ ticket fare. If the transportation is managed by interline carriers, the agreement of the corresponding successive carriers should be obtained.
8.10.2 Fragile or valuable baggage will be dealt with in addition to the regulations in these conditions; if the baggage requires extra seat, management should follow 8.10.1.
8.10.3 Diplomatic bags According to the request of diplomatic couriers, Beijing Capital Airline can treat this as checked baggage and the carrier bears only the normal checked baggage responsibility. If diplomatic bags require seats, 8.10.1 is applied.
8.11 Animals
8.11.1 Small Animals The term “small animals” means dogs, cats, and other domestic household pets. Wild animals and other animals with strange shapes or those that are liable to injure people (e.g., snakes) are not included in the category of small animals. If a passenger checks through small animals, the animals should be properly put in a suitable container and accompanied by valid health and vaccination certificates, entry permits, and other documents required by countries of entry or transit, failing which they will not be accepted for carriage. If accepted as checked baggage, the animal, together with its container and food, shall not be included in the free baggage allowance, but shall constitute excess baggage, for which passengers are obligated to pay the applicable charges. Beijing Capital Airline has the right to decide the method of transportation for small animals. Beijing Capital Airline also has the right to limit the amount of pets in one flight. Small animals should be carried in the cargo compartment. The passenger whose small animal has caused other passengers or crew members damages or injuries will take full responsibility. The transportation of small animals shall also comply with additional conditions in Beijing Capital Airline Regulations. For specific information, please contact Beijing Capital Airline or its authorized agent.
8.11.2 Assistance dogs, guide dogs and hearing dogs Assistance dogs, guide dogs and hearing dogs may be taken into the cabin as required by applicable law, but they have to be secured adequately and may not occupy a seat. Passengers bringing assistance dogs must have any applicable government health and safety permits. When assistance dogs, guide dogs and hearing dogs are carried in the cargo compartment, they must be in suitable containers. Assistance dogs, guide dogs and hearing dogs and their containers and food may be transported free of charge and shall not be counted in free baggage allowance.
8.11.3 Passengers are completely liable for the injury or death of the animals above, except the case that Beijing Capital Airline is clearly responsible for the injury or death either intentionally or by accident or except as the Convention may require. On some long-distance flights without stopovers or some special types of aircraft, it is not suitable to carry guide dogs or hearing dogs and Beijing Capital Airline has the right to refuse the carriage of the animals subject to applicable law. Beijing Capital Airline bears no responsibility for the injury, loss, delay, disease or death of the animals after border entry or when the animals are refused border entry except as the Convention may require.
Article 9 Schedule, Delays, Cancellation of Flights
9.1 The timetable
9.1.1 Beijing Capital Airline makes every effort to abide by the published timetable transporting passengers and their luggage within a reasonable period of time. Flight time and plane model shown in schedule or other places are not guaranteed, but just predetermined time and models and do not form part of the contract of carriage.
9.1.2 Beijing Capital Airline will not be liable for errors or omissions in timetables or other publications of schedules or in statements or representations made by employees, agents or representatives of Beijing Capital Airline , unless the errors or omissions are caused by Beijing Capital Airline intentionally or a knowingly reckless act or omission.
9.1.3 Beijing Capital Airline may change flight schedules after selling tickets. Beijing Capital Airline attempts to contact passengers about schedule change information, if passengers provide valid contact information. If Beijing Capital Airline makes a major change of flight timetable that passengers cannot accept and Beijing Capital Airline cannot arrange acceptable alternative flight accommodations for customers after selling the tickets, passenger can request a refund in accordance with the provisions of article 11.5.
9.2 The cancellation and changes of flights
As one of the following conditions, Beijing Capital Airline may cancel, terminate, modify, extend or delay the flights without prior notification.
9.2.1 To abide by the laws, regulations and orders of the state.
9.2.2 To guarantee the safety of flight
9.2.3 A reason carrier cannot control or predict
9.3 Arrangements for Irregular flights
If Beijing Capital Airline cancels or delays its flight or fails to provide an already reserved seat to the passenger(including desired cabin) ; Or causes passengers fail to arrive at the point of stopover or destination, or causes passengers holding reserved seats flight to miss connections, it will consider the reasonable needs of travelers to take the following measures for passengers to select:
9.3.1 Rebook the passenger on its first subsequent Beijing Capital Airline( JD ) flights on which space is available 9.3.2 Provide a refund according to the relative regulations about involuntary refund in article 11. 5.
9.3.3 Assist the passenger in certain services such as accommodations and ground transportation.
9.4 Limited liability
In addition to those measures above, Beijing Capital Airline takes no further responsibility to the passenger unless otherwise stated in the Convention.
Article 10 Itinerary & Ticket Changes
10.1 When a passenger requests to change the unused coupon, destination, seat class, flight or the date of the Ticket, it is defined as a voluntary itinerary change. When the Carrier cancels the flight for which space is reserved, cancels the landing at the destination or the stopovers of the passenger, does not fly reasonably according to the schedule, or cannot provide reserved space, and causes the passengers to change their itinerary, it is defined as an involuntary itinerary change.
10.2 The handling of voluntary itinerary changes will be carried out in accordance with the Capital Airlines’ international ticket sales, exchange, refund regulations.
10.3 The handling of involuntary itinerary changes shall be carried out in accordance with the Capital Airlines’ international irregular flights regulations.
Article 11 Refund
11.1 General
11.1.1 On failure by Beijing Capital Airline to provide carriage in accordance with the contract of carriage, or where a passenger requests a voluntary change of his or her arrangements and subject to applicable fare rules, a refund for an unused ticket or portion thereof shall be made by Beijing Capital Airline or its authorized agent in accordance with this Article and with Beijing Capital Airline Regulations.

11.1.2 The passenger should request a refund from the beginning of the validity period of ticket to 30 days (inclusive) after the expiration of the validity period. If the above refund period is exceeded, the ticket refund will not be handled .(Fares, taxes and fees are not refundable)

11.1.3 The carrier or its sales agent shall complete the refund procedures within 7 working days from the date of receiving the passenger's valid refunding application (excluding that day), the above time does not include the processing time of financial institutions.

11.2 Place for refund
 A refund should be made at the place where the ticket was issued or another place agreed by Beijing Capital Airline.
11.3 Currency
All refunds will be subject to the regulations of the country in which the ticket was originally issued and of the country in which the refund is being made. Refunds will be made in the currency in which the ticket was paid for, or in the currency of the country where the ticket was issued or where the refund is being made.
Refund will be made only in the original way of payment. We will calculate the amount of refund based on the amount you originally paid and the currency used. The amount of refund to be credited to passengers’ original bank account of payment could vary from the amount originally debited by the card company for the ticket due to the differences in currency exchange rates. Such differences do not entitle you to make any claims against us.
11.4 Person to whom refund will be made, documents needed and discharge
11.4.1 Beijing Capital Airline shall be entitled to make a refund to the person named in the ticket.
11.4.2 If a ticket has been paid for by a person other than the passenger named in the ticket, the person applying for the refund must provide a copy of an identification document of the person named on the ticket as well as a letter of authorization from that person while providing an original copy of his/her own identification document.
11.4.3 The carrier shall refund the fare to the person who holds all unused tickets, and meets the provisions of paragraph (1) of this article, and shall be deemed to be a proper refund and the carrier shall be discharged liability immediately.
11.4.4 The passenger who buys an electronic ticket should show his or her valid identity card.
11.5 Involuntary Refunds
Because of involuntary routing, refunds will be made according to the Capital Airlines’ international irregular flights regulations.
11.6 Voluntary Refunds
If the passenger wishes to refund voluntarily, the amount of the refund shall be calculated by the Capital Airlines’ international ticket sales, exchange, refund regulations.
11.7 Right to Refuse Refunds
11.7.1 Beijing Capital Airline may refuse refunds when a ticket is not permitted to be refunded according to applicable fares or Beijing Capital Airline Regulations.
11.7.2 In the case of the Tickets indicated as non-refundable or no balance refundable, a refund on taxes (excluding fuel) can be solely made with no charges for refund service.
11.7.3 Beijing Capital Airline may refuse a refund on a ticket which has been presented to Beijing Capital Airline or to government officials of a country as evidence of intention to depart therefrom, unless the passenger establishes to Beijing Capital Airline satisfaction that he/she has permission to remain in the country or that he/she will depart therefore by another carrier or another means of transport.
Article 12 Conduct aboard Aircraft
12.1 general provisions
If passengers’ behavior conducts aboard the aircraft have endangered the aircraft or any person or property on board, or obstructed the crew in the performance of their duties, or failed to comply with any instruction of the crew, or behaved in a manner to which other passengers may reasonably object except as required by law, Beijing Capital Airline may take all measures that it deems necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint of the passenger.
12.2 Electronic equipment
Passengers are prohibited from operating portable radios, mobile phones (including mobile phones in airplane mode), interphones, or transmitting devices including radio controlled toys and radio transmitters which Beijing Capital Airline considers will interfere with security of flight on board. Without Beijing Capital Airline permission, passengers cannot use any electronic devices except hearing aids and heart pacemakers.
12.3 Non Smoking On board
All flights of Beijing Capital Airline are non-smoking, and smoking is prohibited in all areas of the aircraft.
12.4 Safety belt
After taking their seats, passengers are required to fasten their safety belts.
Article 13 Common service
13.1 Beijing Capital Airline is not liable for the ground transportation service in the airport area or between airport and city downtown area or between the airport and another in the same city. Beijing Capital Airline is not liable for the acts or negligence of providers who conduct ground transportation service.
13.2 Passengers’ accommodation fees at a connecting point are the responsibility of the passenger.
In a connecting flight, if the passenger is unable to complete the whole journey due to the change of itinerary, the carrier shall assist the passenger to reach the final destination or stopover.
In a connecting flight, if the passenger changes the ticket involuntarily, it shall be handled in accordance with the involuntary change provisions; In case of involuntary refund, it shall be handled in accordance with the involuntary refund provisions.
13.3 During journey Beijing Capital Airline provides passengers drinks and meals according to the ticket regulation. Beijing Capital Airline can charge passengers accordingly, if they demand other services in excess of the prescribed.

Article 14 Additional Service Arrangements
14.1 If in the course of concluding the contract of carriage by air, Beijing Capital Airline agrees to make arrangements for the provision of additional services, Beijing Capital Airline is not liable to the passenger for any damage, loss or expense whatsoever arising from or in connection with such arrangements, except as required by law. If Beijing Capital Airline arranges non-air-carriage services provided by a third party for the passenger, or provides the passenger with a coupon or receipt certificate for non-air-carriage services provided by a third party including ground carriage, hotel reservations or vehicle rental, when arranging the aforementioned services, Beijing Capital Airline is merely acting as an agent for the passenger, and does not assume responsibility for whether the passenger receives these services or not, and does not guarantee their quality. The provisions and regulations of the third party service provider are applicable to these services.
14.2 If Beijing Capital Airline also provides ground carriage for the passenger, these conditions are not applicable to the ground carriage service.
Article 15 Administrative Formalities
15.1 General
15.1.1 The passenger shall be solely responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of countries to be flown from, into or through and with Beijing Capital Airline Regulations and instructions.
15.1.2 Beijing Capital Airline shall not be liable for any aid or information given by any agent or employee of Beijing Capital Airline to any passenger in connection with obtaining necessary documents or visas or complying with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, and travel requirements, whether given in writing or otherwise; or for the consequences to any passenger resulting from his failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, requirements, rules or instructions.
15.2 Travel Documents
15.2.1 The passenger shall present all exit, entry, health and other documents required by laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements of the countries concerned, and permit Beijing Capital Airline to take and retain copies thereof.
15.2.2 Beijing Capital Airline reserves the right to refuse carriage of any passenger who has not complied with applicable laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements or whose documents do not appear to be in order, or who does not permit Beijing Capital Airline to take and retain copies thereof.
15.3 Refusal of Entry
15.3.1 The passenger agrees to pay the applicable fare whenever Beijing Capital Airline, on government order, is required to return a passenger to his point of origin or elsewhere owing to the passenger’s inadmissibility into a country, whether of transit or of destination.
15.3.2 The fare collected for carriage to the point of refusal of entry or deportation will not be refunded by Beijing Capital Airline.
15.4 Fines, Detention Costs, etc.
If Beijing Capital Airline is required to pay or deposit any fine or penalty or to incur any expenditure by reason of the passenger’s failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of the countries concerned or to produce the required documents, the passenger shall on demand reimburse Beijing Capital Airline any amount so paid or deposited and any expenditure so incurred.
15.5 Customs Inspection
15.5.1 If required, the passenger should be present at the inspection of his/her baggage, checked or unchecked, by customs or other government officials.
15.5.2 Beijing Capital Airline is not liable to the passenger for any loss or damage suffered by the passenger through failure to comply with the above-mentioned requirement.
15.6 Security Inspection
The passenger shall submit to any security checks by government or airport officials or by Beijing Capital Airline.
15.7 Laws and Regulations
Beijing Capital Airline is not liable if it determines that what it understands to be applicable law, government regulation, demand, order or requirement requires that it refuse and it does refuse to carry a passenger.
Article 16 Liabilities and Limitations
16.1 Subject to any limit under the Montreal convention and the limit provided below Beijing Capital Airline will be liable for damages to the passenger occurring on the aircraft or while boarding or descending the aircraft.
16.2 Beijing Capital Airline will be liable for any destruction, loss or damage to checked baggage occurring during carriage in flight or within a period controlled by Beijing Capital Airline. However, Beijing Capital Airline will not liable for damage to baggage (including checked baggage and unchecked baggage) if it is caused by the defect, quality or flaw of the baggage.
16.3 Beijing Capital Airline will be liable for the damage to the passenger and baggage caused by Beijing Capital Airline delay in the transportation. However, Beijing Capital Airline will not be liable for these damages if Beijing Capital Airline proves that it or its employee or agent has taken all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for him/her to take such a measure.
16.4 When a ticket is used for carriage by Beijing Capital Airline and another carrier or is an interline ticket, those carriages should be viewed as separate. Beijing Capital Airline is liable only for damage occurring on its own carriage flights. Beijing Capital Airline issuing a ticket or checking baggage over the lines of another carrier does so only as an agent for that other carrier. For checked baggage, the passenger may seek compensation from the carrier that is listed on the ticket or baggage check.
16.5 If it is confirmed that the damages mentioned in this article are caused or facilitated by the faults of the claimant or the one from whom the claimant obtains rights, Beijing Capital Airline will be exempted from liability or just bear reduced responsibilities according to the degree of such faults which have caused or facilitated the losses. If it is confirmed by Beijing Capital Airline that a person other than the passenger requires compensation for the passenger’s injury or death and such injury or death is caused or facilitated by the passenger’s own fault, Beijing Capital Airline will be exempted from liability or just bear reduced responsibilities according to the degree of such faults which have caused or facilitated the injury or death.
This provision is applicable to all liability provisions in this article.
16.6 The carrier is not liable for any damage caused to passengers arising from our compliance with applicable laws or government rules and regulations, or from your failure to comply with the same.
Beijing Capital Airline liability for compensation is limited to compensatory damages according to these conditions. Beijing Capital Airline will not undertake any punitive, exemplary or any other non-compensatory damages under any circumstances.
JD’s Contract of Carriage, including these Conditions of Carriage and exclusions or terms on limited liability specified therein, also applies to our authorized agents and our employees who act on our behalf. In no circumstance shall the aggregate amount of compensation made by JD or our authorized agents and our employees who act on our behalf be higher than the amount of our own liability, if any.
16.7 For international carriage defined in the applicable international Conventions, our liability for any damage to passengers and baggage carried is subject to such international Conventions. For international carriage other than those defined in the applicable international Conventions, our liability for any damage to passengers and baggage carried is subject to the provisions of the Montreal Convention.
Nothing in these Conditions of Carriage shall waive any exclusion or limitation of our liability under the Convention or applicable law unless expressly so stated.
16.8 Compensation liability limitations for physical harm
Under the situations listed below, Beijing Capital Airline does not assume responsibility for any part of damage compensation exceeding the then-applicable limit of Montreal Convention created for each passenger according to 16.1.
16.8.1 Injury or death caused to passengers that is not caused by the mistake or other misconduct or inaction by Beijing Capital Airline, its employees or agents.
16.8.2 Injury or death to a passenger that is caused by the mistake or other misconduct or inaction by a third party.
16.9 Delay of baggage and compensation liability limitations
For damage caused by the destruction, loss, damage or delay of baggage during baggage carriage, the compensation owed by Beijing Capital Airline to each passenger will be limited to the then-applicable limit under the Montreal convention.
If the passenger's checked baggage arrives late, the carrier shall promptly notify the passenger to receive it. Unless otherwise stipulated by the state, if the arrival of the checked baggage is delayed due to non-passenger reasons and the passenger requests direct delivery, the carrier shall deliver the checked baggage directly to the passenger free of charge or negotiate a solution with the passenger.
In case of delay, loss or damage of checked baggage in the process of baggage transportation, the carrier or its ground service agent shall provide the certificate of baggage transportation accident as required by the passenger.
16.10 If passenger’s checked baggage is damaged, the carrier will make compensation based on its reduced value or the cost of its repair.
The carrier is not liable for any damage caused by passenger’s baggage contents. The passenger shall be liable for any damage caused by your baggage or its contents to other people and property, including our property.
The carrier shall have no liability whatsoever for damage to the items prohibited from carriage as baggage or in checked baggage under these Conditions of Carriage. If passenger include in your checked baggage the items specified in these Conditions of Carriage which you are recommended NOT to include in your checked baggage, we are not responsible for the loss of or damage to them.
For passengers that accept checked baggage and do not raise any objection initial at the place of acceptance, this will be regarded as initial evidence of Beijing Capital Airline having already completed its obligation of transporting the baggage and handing it over to the passenger in its complete state.
If the passenger discovers that the checked baggage has been destroyed or damaged, he/she should raise an objection to Beijing Capital Airline in writing within seven days of the day he/she collected the checked baggage. If the passenger discovers a delay with the baggage, he/she should raise an objection to Beijing Capital Airline in writing within 21 days of the collection of the baggage.
Article 17 Other Provisions
17.1 Complaint acceptance
Beijing Capital Airlines’ service complaint acceptance email:
Complaint acceptance hot-line: +86 898 95375
Customer service hotline: +86 898 95375
Link to the official website of general conditions of international transportation:
17.2 There are two versions of these Conditions, a Chinese version and an English version, and both language versions are equally authentic. In the event of any language dispute, the Chinese version will be taken as final.
17.3 These conditions will officially come into effect and be implemented on Jul.15th 2022.For contracts of carriage settled after this date (including), these conditions shall be used.
17.4 After these conditions come into effect, Beijing Capital Airline has the right to amend the text of these conditions. However, for reserved contracts of carriage made before the date of the new “Beijing Capital Airline General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage” coming into effect, these conditions will still be used.
Beijing Capital Airline has the right to interpret these conditions.

Baggage Regulation of Beijing Capital Airlines International Routes

I Hand (Carry-On) Baggage Regulation

1. First class and business class passengers can carry two pieces of hand baggage; economy class passengers can carry a piece of hand baggage. The number of baggage carried by Fortune Wings Gold Card, Silver Card members, the Company's VIP and CIP passengers is according to the standard corresponding to the class of cabin taken by them.

2. Passengers shall not carry a single baggage of more than 7 kg. Also, sum of length, width and height of this baggage shall be not more than115 cm (45 inches). This baggage can be placed in the baggage compartment above the cabin seat or under the front seat.

3. Apart from free baggage, the passenger taking a flight of Capital Airlines is also allowed to, without additional cost, carry the personal belongings which are kept by one and used only when getting on or off or staying in an aircraft including:

Private Items Used in International Flights


Applicable Scope

One overcoat, shawl or blanket; one umbrella or handle; one pair of binoculars; one miniature camera; an appropriate number of readings on board; one trave1-sized cosmetic bag rather than a tote bag or handbag which shall be checked in as baggage; one small file holder or one hand-held computer as a file holder.

All passengers except infants

On board infant's food, and one carrying basket and one collapsible baby stroller or bassinet (which can be as checked baggage. If volume and weight do not exceed limitations to the hand baggage, it can be put in the baggage space above the seat or under the seat in the front).


One collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches and/or a set of back straps or other limb repair tool used by the passenger (which can be carried as checked baggage; if the volume and weight do not exceed the limitation for the hand baggage, then it can be placed in the baggage hold above the seat or under the front seat in the passenger cabin) ,portable oxygen generator, and other breathing aids.

Handicapped passengers dependent on wheelchairs, crutches, back straps or other things for repairing extremities, and breathing aids.

 4 Security Requirements of International Flights

4.1 U.S (Saipan Flight)

Since 26 Oct 2017, all U.S. bound passengers are required to accepted the prescreening guided by TSA;

Since 30 June 2018, except as noted below, powder-like substances, as described above must not be transported in the cabin of the aircraft.

4.1.1 Medically prescribed powder-like substances, baby formula, and human remains 12oz(350ml)or larger may be transported in the cabin of the aircraft provided that any sealed containers are inspected for signs of alteration or tampering to the packaging (for example, breaks, cracks, or holes in the wrapping, protective cover, or seal) and containers that are unsealed or have signs of alteration of tampering are inspected to ensure that the contents are consistent with the container/packaging.

4.1.2 Duty-free powder containers inside of a properly sealed Secure Tamper Evident Bag (STEB) may be allowed through the checkpoint and transported in the cabin of an aircraft.

4.2 Australian Flight

4.2.1 From 30 June 2018, all International departing flights will have restrictions in place limiting inorganic powders to volumes less than 350ml per passenger in the aircraft cabin;

4.2.2 Passengers are required to present all powders in carry-on baggage separately for screening as well as the liquids, aerosols and gels carried on board international flights;

4.2.3 There is no quantity restriction for organic powders such as food products powdered baby formula, coffee and sugar;

4.2.4 For Sydney and Melbourne airport, each passenger would be allowed to take 1 fire lighter or safety match onboard.

4.3 Canadian Flight

Since 27th Nov, all Canadian airports applied the new version Prohibited Items List(PIL);

4.3.1 Small knife blades, 6cm or less, are not prohibited on domestic or international flights. Knife blades of any length will remain prohibited on flights to the United States (U.S.) from preclearance facilities.

4.3.2 Inorganic powder and granular material with a volume of 350ml (the size of a soda can)or more, are prohibited at all screening checkpoints. This will include items such as bath salts, sea salt, baby powder, foot powder, cooking powder and sand.

4.4 Japanese Flight

In the view of that Osaka Airport Shops sell the Boomerang as duty free items. Considering CAAC regulation, passenger is only allowed to transport as hold baggage other than carry-on baggage.

4.5 Portuguese Flight

For Lisbon airport, each passenger would be allowed to take 1 fire lighter or safety match onboard.

4.6 Spanish Flight

For Madrid airport, there is no specific limitation on passenger carrying fire lighter or safety match onboard.

4.7 Russian Flight

For Moscow airport, each passenger would be allowed to take 1 fire lighter (no larger than zippo size) on board, match is forbidden.

or safety match onboard.

4.8 British Flight

4.8.1 For London Heathrow airport, passenger is required to present laptop boarding pass and passport separately through the screening gate, taking off the jacket high heels and metal belts.

4.8.2 Before get through security screening check, all liquids gels fire lighter matches and other relevant items in carry-on baggage should be placed into 20*20 cm plastic bag, every single item should not exceed 100ml.

4.8.3 Lithium battery is not allowed to be transported as hold baggage. There is no specific limitation on passenger carrying lithium battery.

4.8.4 For Heathrow airport, each passenger would be allowed to take 1 fire lighter or safety match onboard.

4.9 Vietnamese and Cambodia Flight

For Nha Trang and Siem Reap Airport, each passenger would be allowed to take 1 fire lighter on board. There is no specific limitation on passenger carrying lithium battery.

II Checked Baggage Regulation

1. Baggage Allowance Regulation

JD InternationalRegional Fights Baggage Allowance Regulation

Applicable Zone

Class Category

Baggage Allowance Regulation

China=North America


2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 70lbs or 32KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)


2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 50lbs or 23KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)



2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 70lbs or 32KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)


2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 50lbs or 23KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)



2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 70lbs or 32KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)


2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 50lbs or 23KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)



2 pieces (each bag does not exceed 70lbs or 32KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)


1 pieces (each bag does not exceed 50lbs or 23KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 62inches or 158cm)


1. The Child or infant with a seat will be the same as the adult for baggage regulation.

2. One piece free checked baggage for infant without a seat. Each bag does not exceed 22lbs or 10KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 115cm. Infant will allow to check one stroller or cradle freely (20*40*55), if there is enough space and get the agreement from chief attendant, the stroller and cradle could be take in passenger cabin.

3. Each baggage does not exceed 70lbs or 32KG and the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions does not exceed 203cm or 80inches. If the baggage exceed above limitation, we suggest passengers split the baggage, or the baggage cannot be split, please visit  to contact the cargo department.

4. If you take domestic and international flight both are operated by Beijing Capital Airlines, the baggage regulation is applicable for the whole journey.

5. This regulation with effect from 23th Dec 2023(ticking date). Meanwhile, JDIS23078 Baggage Allowance Regulation policy repealed. The special passenger, date and route baggage regulation is still effect.


2. Excess Baggage Regulations

JD Operate Flight Excess Baggage Regulation


Business not applicable

Excess Pieces

Over Sized

If the baggage is
applicable for
 piece, two or



First Item

Second Item

and More


China=America(except Canada)
















Chose the Most
high charge

China=Europe(  except Russia)





































(including Australia/

New Zealand)




























Special Routestransits to Africa via Europe

















Special RoutesChina transits to American via Europe


















1. The Children or infant with a seat will be the same as the adult for baggage regulation.

2. Each piece of baggage's limitation does not exceed the 32KG (70lbs), the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions of each baggage does not exceed 203cm (80inches). If piece of baggage exceed the limitation, we suggest passenger split the baggage, or the baggage cannot be split, please contact the cargo department

3. When JD operates the domestic flight and international flight and the transfer time within 24hours, the baggage regulation is applicable for the domestic segment.

4. Since 16MAY/2023(ticked date)the baggage regulation will be effect and the other baggage regulation will be abolished. The special passenger type (student) baggage regulation is still effect.

JD Charter Flights Excess Baggage Regulation


Business not

Excess Pieces

Over Sized

If the baggage is
applicable for
excess piece, two or more


First Item

Second Item and More







Superimposition charge






Superimposition charge



1. The Children or infant with a seat will be the same as the adult for baggage regulation.

2. Each piece of baggage’s limitation does not exceed the 32KG (70lbs), the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions of each baggage does not exceed 203cm (80inches). If piece of baggage exceed the limitation, we suggest passenger split the baggage, or the baggage cannot be split, please contact the cargo department

3. Since 26AUG/2019(ticked date)the baggage regulation will be effect and the other baggage regulation will be abolished.

JD Codeshare Fights Baggage Allowance Regulation(JD Marketing)


Business not applicable

Excess Pieces

Over Sized


Over Sized


If the baggage is
applicable for
piece, two or



First Item

Second Item and More


(except Canada)

















Chose the Most
high charge

Except Russia)
































(including Australia/
New Zealand)





























1. The Children or infant with a seat will be the same as the adult for baggage regulation.

2. Each piece of baggage's limitation does not exceed the 32KG (70lbs), the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions of each baggage does not exceed 203cm (80inches). If piece of baggage exceed the limitation, we suggest passenger split the baggage, or the baggage cannot be split, please contact the cargo department

3. When JD operates the domestic flight and international flight and the transfer time within 24hours, the baggage regulation is applicable for the domestic segment.

4. Since 26AUG/2022(ticked date), the baggage regulation will be effect and the other baggage regulation will be abolished. The special passenger type (student) baggage regulation is still effect.

3. Prepaid Baggage

Prepaid Baggage Regulation

Applicable Zone


First Item

Second Item and more

China= America
(except Canada)






(except Russia)







(including Australia/New Zealand






China=Japan except









1. MLE, SPN, MFM, CJU routes just only sell the one-way prepaid baggage which the segment is departure from China ,and the VVO does not sell this service.

2. Each piece of baggage’s limitation does not exceed the 32KG (70lbs), the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions of each baggage does not exceed 203cm (80inches). If piece of baggage exceed the limitation, we suggest passenger split the baggage, or the baggage cannot be split, please contact the cargo department

3. Since 14FEB2023(ticked date), the baggage regulation will be effected and the other baggage regulation will be abolished.

4. Student Baggage Regulations

Applicable Journey

China=Americas, China=Europe(include Russia), China=Oceania

Class Category

Baggage Allowance Regulation

Economy Class

2 pieces of baggage of which the sum of the greatest outside linear dimensions of each bag does not exceed 62 inches (158cm) and provided the weight of each bag does not exceed 50lbs (23KG).


1. Fill "/ SD" after the name of the traveler in the "NAME OF PASSENGER" and use the command QTE: STU / JD.

2.Other unfinished matters are subject to current Beijing Capital Airlines Baggage Regulation.

3. Student Baggage Regulations apply to the product of student tickets.


Important note: The flight cut-off time is determined jointly by the airport and the airlines in accordance with the regulations of the authorities. Cut-off times for check-in vary according to the airport or the airlines. To ensure that you have a smooth travel, please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours in advance for check-in procedures for domestic flights, and arrive at the airport at least 3 hours in advance for international or overseas departures to complete check-in procedures. Passengers who fail to complete check-in before the specified check-in deadline for their own reasons will take the liability for loss or expense.

The following information serves as a reference only. The specific cut-off times for different airports are subject to the announcement of the airport.

Departure Airport

Cut-off Time

(minutes, be subject to airport published)



Ankang Fuqiang Airport


Beijing Daxing International Airport



Changchun Longjia International Airport


Changsha Huanghua International Airport



Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport


Chenzhou Beihu Airport


Chifeng Yulong Airport


Chizhou Jiuhuashan Airport


Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport


Dazhou Jinya Airport


Dehong Mangshi Airport


Dunhuang Mogao International Airport


Enshi Xujiaping Airport


Fuzhou Changle International Airport


Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport


Guilin Liangjiang International Airport


Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport


Haikou Meilan International Airport


Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport



Harbin Taiping International Airport


Hefei Xinqiao International Airport


Heze Mudan Airport


Hohhot Baita International Airport


HuangshanTunxi International Airport


Hulunbuir Hailar Airport


Ji'an Jinggangshan Airport


Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport


Jixi Xingkaihu Airport


Kunming Changshui International Airport


Lijiang Sanyi International Airport


Linyi Qiyang Airport


Mianyang Nanjiao Airport


Nanchang Changbei International Airport


Nanjing Lukou International Airport



Nanning Wuxu International Airport


Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport



Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport


Sanya Phoenix International Airport


Shanghai Pudong International Airport



Shenyang Taoxian International Airport


  Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport 


Shiyan Wudangshan Airport


Taiyuan Wusu International Airport


Tangshan Sannvhe Airport


Tianjin Binhai International Airport


Urumqi Diwopu International Airport


Wuhan Tianhe International Airport


Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport


Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport


Xi'an Xianyang International Airport


Xining Caojiapu international airport


Xishuangbanna Gasa International Airport


Yichang Sanxia Airport


Yichun Mingyueshan Airport


Yinchuan Hedong International Airport


Yining Airport


Yueyang Sanhe Airport


Yushu Bangtang Airport


Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport



Departure Airport

     Cut-off Time(minutes)   

Suvarnabhumi Airport


Lisbon Portela Airport


Heathrow Airport


Velana International Airport


Melbourne Airport


     Sheremetyevo Alexander Pushkin International Airport     


Kansai International Airport


Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport


Madrid Barajas International Airport


Mount Fuji Shizuoka Airport


Jeju International Airport



Provisions on the Passengers and Crew Carrying Dangerous Goods

I. Dangerous goods forbidden to be transported

1. Explosives, including ammunition (flares and bullets), blasting equipment (detonator and fuze), pyrotechnic products (fireworks and fireworks etc.) and artificial of the above items;

2. Gas, including flammable gas (hydrogen gas and natural gas), compressed gas (oxygen bottle and air bottle), toxic gas(pepper spray and sarin gas), cryogenic liquefied gas(liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen etc.)

3. Flammable liquids (gasoline, paint, ether, acetone, rosin oil, flammable solvents etc.)

4. Solid, including flammable solid (Red phosphorus, solid alcohol, foaming agent), spontaneous combustion material (yellow phosphorus, white phosphorus, oil paper and nitrocellulose etc.) and materials that may release flammable gas when they are in wet(potassium, calcium carbide, aluminum magnesium etc.)

5. Oxidant and organic peroxide (Potassium permanganate, potassium chlorate, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide etc.)

6. Toxic substances and infectious substances (cyanide, toxic pesticides, hepatitis B virus, anthrax, tuberculosis, AIDS virus etc.)

7. Radioactive substances (iridium 192 and radioactive isotope etc.)

8. Corrosive materials (sulfuric acid, nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, mercury etc.)

9.Other dangerous goods:

Ø  Lighters, matches, cigarette lighters, magnesium bars and other kindling materials

Ø  Secure file box, cash box, cash bags and other devices that don’t meet the restriction conditions for secure-type device equipped with lithium battery in the below table and that contain the dangerous goods such as lithium battery and pyrotechnical device

Ø  Mace (MACE gas sprayer), lachrymator,pepper spray, acid spray, spray getting rid of animals and other irritating or crippling devices

Ø  Electronic gun-type fire extinguisher

Ø  Taser gun and other electric shock weapons containing explosives, compressed gas, lithium battery and other dangerous goods

Ø  Balance car, wheelbarrow, electric skateboard, hot wheels, electric car balance, hover board and mobility aid containing lithium battery (except electric wheelchair)

Ø  Self-heating steamed rice, self-heating army provisions and other self heating foods.

Ø  Strong magnetic material

Ø  Strong pungent odor items

Ø  Items that easily give rise to passengers panic

Ø  Possible dangerous goods

Ø  Other goods that are forbidden to be transported under state laws, administrative regulations, rules and regulations

II. Dangerous goods restricted to be transported

1. Restriction conditions include the categories of dangerous goods, approval obtained from Capital Airlines, portable goods, goods allowable to be consigned, package requirement and quantity limitation requirement.

2. If you intend to carry the accompanied liquid goods, you must meet the following requirements:

a. All items of liquids carried by the passengers of the international and regional flights must be stored in up to 100ml containers which fit comfortably within a re-sealable transparent plastic bag of a maximum capacity not exceeding 1 litre, and each passenger can only carry one transparent plastic bag;

b. Passengers taking Chinese domestic flights are prohibited from carrying any liquids in the hand baggage (Except own cosmetics, toothpaste and shaving cream). The own cosmetics must be satisfied with the following conditions: only one cosmetics can be contained in a container whose single volume is not more than 100ml; it can be carried only after unpacking inspection. Only one piece of toothpaste and shaving cream, whose weight can’t exceed 100g(ml), can be carried. When you transship from international and regional flights to domestic flights in a same airport control area, the duty-free liquid items you carry to enter China must be satisfied with the following conditions: you shall present the shopping receipt; they are packed in the sealed and intact transparent plastic bags; they can be carried personally only after the security check. If you have to leave the airport control area during the transship period, you must consign the above duty-free inbound liquid items as the baggage;

c. Liquid dairy products carried by the passengers accompanied with babies, and liquid medicines carried by diabetics or the other patients, can be allowed in the hand baggage for an appropriate amount provided that they are confirmed safety with screening;

d. Liquid goods purchased or obtained in the airport controlled area and the aircraft, can be accompanied before leaving the airport controlled area.

3. If passengers need to use oxygen bottle on board, they should provide up to 72 hours’ advance notice to the company and then the company will arrange oxygen equipment for them. Passengers are not allowed to accompany own oxygen bottle or empty bottle.

4. For details of the restriction requirements, see Schedule 1.


The approval of the operator is required

Permitted in or as checked baggage

Permitted in or as carry-on baggage

The pilot-in-command must be informed of the locationn

Restriction requirements

Spare battery, including portable charger≤100Wh, ≤2g




No more than 2 pieces of the batteries can be carried and it shall be insulated and packed separately. It is forbidden to use the portable charger and it shall be closed during the flight period.

Spare battery, including portable charger(>100Wh but≤160Wh,>2g


No more than 2 pieces of the batteries can be carried and it shall be insulated and packed separately. It is forbidden to use the portable charger and it shall be closed during the flight period.

Portable electronic device containing a lithium battery core or a lithium battery



Including electronic products such as camera, video camera, mobile phone, notebook computer, tablet computer, medical devices for personal use of the passenger or crew, in which the lithium metal content in lithium metal battery does not exceed 2g and the rated energy in lithium ion battery does not exceed 100Wh. It is suggested to carry personally. If devices are carried in checked baggage:

measures must be taken to prevent unintentional activation and to protect the devices from damage; and

the devices must be completely switched off (not in sleep or hibernation mode).

Electronic device supplied by  lithium battery

See Restriction requirements

The portable electronic device, in which the rated energy of lithium ion battery is more than 100Wh but not more than 160Wh, must be carried personally and it is forbidden to be consigned. Only medical electronic devices can use lithium metal batteries and the lithium content is more than 2g but not more than 8g.

Lithium battery UAVs and similar equipment


Each person is restricted to carry one device and no more than 2 pieces of spare lithium batteries. A single battery is insulated and its battery capacity is not more than 160Wh. If there is a special need, you can apply to our company.

Electric wheelchair

(Lithium ion battery)


If the wheelchair is designed with two pieces of batteries for power supply, the rated energy of each battery is ≤160Wh and two pieces of batteries can be prepared for backup additionally; If the wheelchair is designed with one piece of battery for power supply, the rated energy of each battery is ≤300Wh and one piece of battery can be prepared for backup additionally; it is forbidden to consign lithium battery in electric wheelchair.

Electric wheelchair

 (Sealed wet cell)


Ø  If the battery is removable, it must be removed and loaded into strong and hard package to prevent short circuit.

Ø  If the battery is not removable, you must ensure that the wheelchair circuit is disconnected. The battery poles shall be protected against short circuit (For example, it is sealed in a battery box) and firmly fixed in the wheelchair.

Electric wheelchair

(Non-sealed wet cell)


It is forbidden to carry it. If not, you must comply with the following requirements:

Ø  If the wheelchair can always be operated and transported vertically and its battery can be installed in it, ensure to disconnect the circuit. The battery poles shall be protected against short circuit (For example, it is sealed in a battery box) and firmly fixed in the wheelchair.

Ø  If the wheelchair can’t be always operated and transported vertically, its battery must be removed and it is protected against the short circuit, meanwhile, it is vertically packed in strong and rigid package. The package must be tight and it can prevent the battery leakage, while its internal part is filled fully with the suitable adsorption materials so that it can fully absorb the battery liquid. The package must be fixed in the container or the cargo bay to prevent tipping, meanwhile, its external package is marked with BATTERY, WET, WITH WHEELCHAIR or BATTERY, WET, WITH MOBILITY AID, while it is attached with corrosion label and package direction label.

Electronic cigarette with battery




It must be separately protected against inadvertent startup. Its power shall be supplied by lithium battery. The lithium content of lithium metal battery is not more than 2g and the rated energy of lithium ion battery is not more than 100Wh.

Secure device with lithium battery



Install a valid device to avoid inadvertent startup

It does not contain 1-category dangerous goods

Lithium metal battery core≤1g, lithium metal battery≤2g; the rated energy of lithium-ion battery core≤20Wh, the rated energy of lithium-ion battery≤100Wh.

If it contains gas, the gas doesn’t exceed 50ml. No gas box or small gas tank containing gas content rather than those in Item 2.2.

It won’t give rise to extreme irritability or discomfort to the persons on board, such as noise and sound alarm etc.

Portable electronic device containing the sealed battery



Battery voltage≤12V and energy≤100Wh

Prevent the short-circuit and inadvertent startup


The battery does not contain free or non-absorbed liquid

Carry two pieces of backup batteries to the maximum extent

Camping stove and fuel tank



Camping stove and fuel tank doesn’t contain any flammable liquid.

Alcoholic beverage




Commercial retail packaging.

The volume percent fraction of alcohol is less than or equal to 24% and it is not restricted.

The volume percent fraction of alcohol is more than 24% but not more than 70%. The checked alcohol quantity of each person does not exceed 5L.

If the volume percent fraction of alcohol is more than 70% , it is prohibited to be carried.

Toiletries (Such as hair spray and perfume)



Passengers can carry a few cosmetics for their use when boarding on the flight, their total weight≤1Lor 1kg. Each type of cosmetic, which can be carried, is limited to one piece, and its container volume≤100ml. It is placed in a separate bag and the unpacking inspection can be conducted for the cosmetic. Aerosol release valve must be protected by a cover or other suitable means to prevent accidental release of the contents.

Non radioactive drugs (Including aerosol)



Net weight of individual item, carried by each person, is less than or equal to 0.5kg or 0.5L, and its total net weight is less than or equal to 2kg or 2L. Aerosol release valve must be protected by a cover or other suitable means to prevent accidental release of the contents.

Sports or household aerosols (Non-flammable and non-toxic gas in Item  2.2)




The total net weight of individual item is less than or equal to 0.35kg or 0.35L. Aerosol release valve must be protected by a cover or other suitable means to prevent accidental release of the contents.

Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)

Dry ice, which is used to refresh the perishable food (unrestricted) and which can be carried by each person, is less than or equal to 2.5kg. The package must be reserved a vent to release carbon dioxide gas. The transported baggage shall be attached with a dry ice label on which dry ice or solid carbon dioxide and its weight are marked. It must be put into the well-ventilated cargo bay.

Insulated package containing frozen liquid nitrogen


It is used to transport non-dangerous goods at low temperature and liquid nitrogen is completely absorbed by porous material. It is required that the heat insulation package is designed not to increase the vessel pressure and liquid nitrogen won’t be overflowed even it is placed in any direction.

Goods that produce heat (Diving lights and electric irons etc.)


Heating components, batteries or other components(For example, fuses), shall be removed to keep each other insulated. The unload battery must be protected against short circuit (It can be placed into the original sales package or the electrode is insulated, for example, use a tape to paste the exposed electrode, or each battery is placed in a separate plastic bag or a protective bag.

Internal combustion engine or fuel cell engine




The conditions on which flammable liquid is used as a power:

1. Engine is driven by any fuel that doesn’t meet any category and item classification standard; or

2. Vehicle, machinery or other equipment fuel tanks have never been filled with fuel or the fuel tank has been cleaned, while steam has been cleared or the appropriate measures has been adopted to eliminate the harm; and

3. Engine of the entire fuel system hasn’t any free liquid and all the fuel pipelines are sealed, covered or securely attached to the vehicle, machinery or equipment engines.

The conditions on which flammable gas is used as a power:

1.The entire fuel system has been cleaned, while steam has been cleared. It is filled with inflammable gas or liquid to eliminate the harm;

2.The final pressure of inflammable gas, used to fill the system, shall not exceed 200kpa.

3.Shipper and operator will arrange it in advance; and

4.The shipper provides the operator with a written document or an electronic document in which it is stated that the shipper has complied with all fuel gas filling and emptying requirements and it has tested the engine and such gas is inflammable.

Hair curler containing hydrocarbon gas



If the heater of the hair curler is equipped with a tight safety cap, each passenger or crew can take a hair curler at most. It is prohibited to use this hair curler in the aircraft at any time, while its filling tank is not allowed to carry in the portable luggage or the checked baggage .

Chemical monitoring equipment


The activity of the instruments, containing radioactive materials and carried by the Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on an official travel,that is, chemicals alarm monitor (CAM) and/or rapid alarm and identification monitor (RAID-M), shall not more than radioactivity limits of the exception packages in Technical Rules and its package is firm, not containing the lithium battery.

Infiltration device




1. Each device must be made of materials compatible with the dangerous goods it contains;

2. The total quantity of dangerous goods in each device is limited to 2ml and the dangerous goods is guaranteed at 55℃. The liquid shall not be fully filled in the device;

3. Each infiltration device must be packed in the airtight, impact-proof tubular plastic or similar material. The absorption liner material in the inner package must sufficiently absorb the contents. Use metal wire, tape or other useful materials to ensure the sealing of inner packing;

4. Each inner package must be packed in a middle layer package, made of metal or plastic with a minimum thickness of 1.5mm. The middle layer package must be airtight sealed.

5. The middle layer package must be securely packed in a strong outer package. The finished package shall be durable in compression, while it is ensured that any inner package is not damaged or leaked, nor efficiency reduced:

a. It is freely fallen to hard, inelastic and flat surface from 1.8 m height:

Ø  The package bottom drops to the plane once;

Ø  The package top drops to the plane once;

Ø  The long side of the package drops to the plane once;

Ø  The short side of the package drops to the plane once;

Ø  Corner angle, crossing with three edges of the package, drops once; and

b. The top sustains pressure for 24 hours and its weight is equivalent to the same package stacked in 3m height (including test samples).

6. Gross weight of complete packages doesn’t exceed 30kg.

Gas cylinder for operating mechanical artificial limb



Small gas cylinder in Item 2.2 is carried for operating mechanical artificial limb. In order to ensure the needs in the travel, you may carry spare gas cylinder in same size.

Energy saving light



An energy-saving lamp for personal or domestic use in retail package

Radioisotope pacemaker or other devices or medicines implanted into the body


Carried personally


Radioisotope heart pacemaker or other medical devices, including the devices implanted in vivo and in vitro of human body and driven by lithium batteries or the medicines implanted in the body as a means of treatment.

Medical or clinical thermometer




Only one small medical or clinical thermometer for personal use, containing mercury, is placed in a protective box.

Mercury barometer or thermometer


Each representative of the governmental meteorological bureau or similar official institution, is only limited to carry a mercury barometer or thermometer. Mercury barometer or thermometer shall be placed in the strong package in which the bag shall be made of the sealing lining or the strong leak-proof lining or anti-piercing material so as to prevent the leakage of mercury from the package.

Small non-flammable  gas tank


1. It is an automatic gas-loading safety device, for example, small gas tank prepared to the life jacket or life vest:

a. Only one safety device per person is allowed;

b. Package of the personal safety equipment must be protected against inadvertent startup;

c.It is limited to be carbon dioxide or other gases in Item 2.2 that won’t cause secondary risk;

d. Gas tank must be used for gas loading;

e. Small gas tanks and spare gas tanks, equipped with the equipment, shall not more than 2.

2. Other devices

a. Small gas tanks, carried by each person and containing carbon dioxide or other gases in Item 2.2 without secondary risk, shall not exceed 4;

b. Water capacity of each gas tank shall not exceed 50ml.

Note: the carbon dioxide gas tank with 50ml water capacity is equivalent to 28g gas tank.

Non-infectious samples



1. Samples:

a. It shall be wrapped in paper towel coated with alcohol or alcohol solution and then placed in a heat-closing plastic bag. The free liquid in the bag must not exceed 30ml; or

b. It shall be placed in a small bottle or other rigid containers in which the alcohol or alcohol solution should not exceed 30ml;

2.Place the prepared sample in a plastic bag and provide heat seal for it;

3. Then place the sample bag in another plastic bag with absorbent material and provide heat seal for it;

4.The packed bag is placed in the strong outer package with proper padding material;

5. The total quantity of flammable liquid contained in each outer package shall not exceed 1L; and

6.The complete package must be marked with scientific sample. It is unrestricted and it is applicable to the special provision A180.


Note 1: All electrical devices are prohibited from being charged on-board.

Note 2: The accompanied liquid items in the above schedule must meet the requirements in II-2 accompanied liquid items under this specification.

Note 3: If any passenger carries dangerous goods in the aircraft departing from China subject to be approved by the passenger, the captain must be notified.








U.S. Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan

The Beijing Capital Airlines Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan (the “Plan”) applies to all of our scheduled and public charter flights that depart from or arrive at a U.S. airport.  We have established this Plan to comply with the U.S. Department of Transportation “Enchanced Protection for Airline Passenger” regulations (14 CFR Part 259). A copy of the Plan can be found on our website

1. For international flights that depart from or arrive at a U.S. airport, we will not permit our aircraft to remain on the tarmac at a U.S. airport for more than four hours before allowing passengers to deplane, unless:

(i) The pilot-in-command determines there is a safety-related or security-related reason why the aircraft cannot leave its position on the tarmac to deplane passengers; 

(ii) Air traffic control advises the pilot-in-command that returning to the gate or another disembarkation point elsewhere in order to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations.

2. For all flights covered by the Plan, we will provide adequate food and potable water no later than two hours after our aircraft leaves the gate (in the case of a departure) or touches down (in the case of an arrival) if our aircraft remains on the tarmac, unless the pilot-in-command determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service.

3. For  all  flights  covered  by  the  Plan,  we will  provide  operable  lavatory facilities, as well as adequate medical attention if needed, while our aircraft remains on the tarmac.

4. For all flights covered by the Plan, we will notify our passengers every 30 minutes regarding the status of the tarmac delay, including the reason for the delay, if known.

5. For all flights covered by the Plan, we will notify our passengers 30 minutes after scheduled departure (including any revised departure time that passengers were notified about before boarding) and every 30 minutes thereafter that they have the opportunity to deplane from an aircraft that is at the gate or another disembarkation area with the door open, if the opportunity to deplane actually exists.

6. We have sufficient resources to implement the Plan.

7. We have coordinated the Plan with all applicable airport authorities, including U.S. Customs & Border Protection and the Transportation Security Administration, at all U.S. airports that we serve, including all diversion airports. 

Through Check-in

Through Check-in is a convenient way for passengers to obtain two boarding passes for two connecting flights when checking in at the first departure counter and have their baggage sent to their final destination.

If you fly on the following flights, Capital Airlines will give you a two-way boarding passage and baggage through-check at the departure counter so that you will not have to pick up your baggage midway.

1. Capital Airlines self-service flights departing from Beijing to Sydney/Melbourne with transfers in Qingdao that meet same-day transfer conditions and with flight convergence times of more than 120 minutes;

2. Capital Airlines self-service flights departing from Sydney/Melbourne to Beijing with transfers in Qingdao that meet same-day transfer conditions and with flight convergence times of more than 120 minutes;


1. Passengers must bring their joint-way ticket and book through the same PNR (Passenger Name Record) for a same-day transfer (where the preceding flight’s arrival time and the subsequent flight’s departure time are on the same day).

2. Checked baggage should not include items prohibited or restricted from entry and exit by the originating country’s customs and inspection and quarantine provisions or checked items prohibited or restricted by the originating country’s customs and inspection and quarantine provisions, such as lighters, matches, lithium batteries, battery packs, etc.

3. We recommend that you use one-time baggage locks or do not lock your baggage. If baggage with private lock is inspected and the passenger cannot be contacted immediately, Capital Airlines will break the lock for inspection.

4. Capital Airlines does not provide Through Check-in services at this time for passengers with pets, unaccompanied passengers, stretcher passengers, passengers with oxygen inhalers, passengers that are 32-36 weeks pregnant, unaccompanied wheelchair passengers requiring assistance (WCHC/Wheel Chair for Cabin Seat), or non-reservation passengers with alternate tickets.

5. Capital Airlines does not provide Through Check-in services at this time for 72-hour or 24-hour visa-free transit passengers once verified at the overseas departure counter.

Passengers are free to call the customer service hotline at +86 898 95375 for any questions when booking tickets.

Disapproval of Complaints

Ladies and gentlemen:

Thank you for flying with Beijing Capital Airlines.

In order to further strengthen the management of cabin order, and provide a safe, comfortable and warm cabin environment for passengers, we are pleasant to remind you that passengers should abide by various laws and regulations during the whole flight. We won’t accept complaints from passengers who disrupt cabin order and safety regulations, which mainly include: not abiding by codes of conduct, not obeying the instructions of crew members, such as: occupying seats and baggage racks fighting and provoking; molesting women and children and sexual harassment; disseminating obscene articles and other illegal printed materials; using fire or smoking; illegal use of mobile phones or other prohibited electronic equipment; theft, deliberate damage, unauthorized movement of emergency exits and other aircraft facilities; theft of public and private finance on board; other acts endangering civil aviation safety and disturbing cabin order.

Wish you a pleasant flight!

Notice on Entry and Exit of Minors in Portugal

When not accompanied by whoever has parental responsibility for them, national or foreign minors must have written authorisation which allows them to enter or leave national territory. If the minor is travelling with one of their parents, for example, they need not have the authorisation with them.

Such written authorisation must be signed by the person who has parental responsibility and must bear the date of signature. The authorisation may identify other persons who have been given the right to accompany the minor.

If the minor does not have the respective authorisation with them, the Portuguese authorities may refuse to allow them to enter or leave.

Please click the link for more information:

Regulation on Refund and Rebooking due to Illness of international and regional Flights


In order to improve the service quality of our company, to help passengers who are unable to make a trip due to illness, Regulation on Refund and Rebooking of international ticket due to Illness is hereby formulated.


1. Types of Ticket Refunds due to Illness

1.1 Passenger requests the refund and rebooking due to illness prior to flight departure time.

1.1.1 Individual passenger shall request the refund and cancel the ticket prior to flight departure time;

1.1.2 Group passenger should request the refund through website prior to flight departure time.

1.2 The passenger requests to refund or rebook the ticket at airport due to sudden occurrence of illness.

1.2.1 The passenger, who requests to refund or rebook at airport due to sudden occurrence of illness, must cancel the reservation by calling the Customer Service Hotline 95375 or the original ticket issuing office.

1.2.2 To cancel the reservation is not required if the passenger requests to refund or rebook the ticket due to sudden illness at the connecting or alternate airport。

1.3 Passenger requests the refund after closing the cabin door.(rebooking due to the illness does not apply in this case)

1.4 The passenger, who has a sudden illness during the flight, requests to terminate the travel after the flight alternates. In this case, rebooking due to illness does not apply.

1.5 Rebooking due to illness does not apply for the GIT passenger.

2. Documents for refund and rebooking due to illness

2.1 The information in the document for refund and rebooking due to illness must be consistent with the ticket information (name, time, disease and other information), and shall not be altered, otherwise it will be regarded as a false document. Refund and rebooking due to illness will not be handled.

2.2 Refund and rebooking due to illness before passenger arrives at the airport

2.2.1 Passengers are required to provide:

the formal diagnosis certificate( or medical record )with the signature of the attending doctor and the seal of the hospital ,

the medical expense invoice of more than 200 RMB (including the medicine fee and examination fee) printed by the hospital system,

issued by medical institutions at or above the county level in Chinese Mainland.

Ticket information (ticket number, flight date, class, passenger name, ID number) shall be marked on the medical record.

The above mentioned documents must be the original photos or scanned copies.

2.2.2 If the diagnosis certificate is issued overseas or in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, that must be filled out by doctors with medical qualifications recognized by relevant government authorities.

If the diagnosis certificate is issued in Africa, that can be issued by a Chinese funded medical institution.

The contents and requirements of other documents are the same as in China Mainland above.

2.2.3 The issuance and printing date of the Documents must be after the ticket is purchased, and before the check-in end time.( The printing date of the document could be the day after the flight date, but could not exceed the next day of the flight date.)

2.2.4 Passenger must provide the photo or scanned copy of every document (mentioned in 2.2.1,2.2.2, 2.2.3 above), and a photo taken when all the documents are placed together.

2.3 If the passenger requests to terminate or reschedule due to sudden illness at the airport, the certificate issued by the airport medical institution shall be provided. If the certificate cannot be obtained at the moment, the airline representative must sign on the ticket or send a descriptive email for filing. Otherwise, refund and rebooking due to illness cannot be handled.

2.4 If the passenger requests to terminate due to sudden illness after the cabin door closing, the lead of the attendant confirms the disease and sign for it. If the lead of the attendant cannot confirm, the regulation of the cabin management department should apply.

3. Refund and rebooking

3.1 Rebooking without fare difference is free of charge. Ticket, that is not permitted to be rebooked, can also change date without a change fee. For the rebooking with fare difference, the fare difference should be paid. For a tariff change due to rebooking, the fare difference between the new tariff and the original should be calculated. If the new fare is higher than the original, the fare difference should be paid; if the new fare is lower than the original, the fare difference will not be refunded.

3.2 Refund due to illness could be handled as involuntary refund.

3.3 If the companion of the sick passenger requests a refund or rescheduling, it must be proposed at the same time with the sick passenger, and the refund fee or change fee can be exempted. Otherwise, it will be treated as a voluntary refund or rescheduling. The number of accompanying persons is limited to 2.

3.3.1 If the tickets of the sick passenger and her/his companion are issued in the same PNR, it is not necessary to provide proof of relationship.

3.3.2 If the tickets of the sick passenger and her/his companion are issued in different PNRs, a proof of relationship must be provided, that can be ID, certificate of registration ,a photo of the passenger and her/his companion, or an explanatory Letter written by the sick passenger.

NOTE: The content of the explanatory letter must include the name, ticket number, flight number, telephone number and the relationship of the sick passenger and her/his companion. The explanatory letter must be written manually and signed by both the sick passenger and her/his companion.

3.4 Group passenger requests refund due to illness , if the team's minimum number and FOC calculation is affected, the group ticket fare and FOC number need to be recalculated. Passenger refunds due to illness during the trip will not affect the ticket fare of other group members.

3.5 The refund and rebooking of the ticket due to illness shall be handled in person. If the passenger cannot handle it in person due to his / her serious condition, it can be handled by the entrusted agent with the power of attorney written and signed by the sick passenger himself / herself, as well as IDs of the agent and the sick passenger and medical documents. (a power of attorney, photos or scanned copies of every document (mentioned in 2.2.1,2.2.2, 2.2.3 above), and a photo taken when all the documents are placed together, must be provided.)

3.6 Refund due to death can be handled as involuntary refund with IDs of the passenger and her/his agent, and death certificate.

3.7 Within one month from the date of submission of the ticket refund or rebooking due to illness, the required document should be sent by mail or email to the original ticket issuing place or Customer Service Hotline 95375. Otherwise, the application without required documents shall be handled as a voluntary refund or rebooking. After handling the refund and rescheduling procedures, if the passenger needs to get back the original documents, those can be sent back, but the postage needs to be borne by the passenger.

4 Refunding office

Costumer Service Hotline 95375, original issuing office.

5. Illegal disposal

5.1 For the documents that do not comply with the provisions or are incomplete, the refund and rebooking application due to illness shall be handled on a voluntary basis

5.2 Beijing Capital Airlines will investigate the corresponding legal responsibility for the malicious handling of refund and rebooking due to illness, and the provision of false materials, and the passengers themselves will bear all legal consequences.