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Beijing Capital Airlines Accessibility Plan 2023-2025

1. Introduction

Beijing Capital Airlines is provider of scheduled passenger air travel services in the China market and in the international market to and from China. Our mission is to connect Beijing China and the world. We are committed to offering a high level of customer service and providing a dignified, positive and safe flight experience for all passengers. As carrier, we recognize the role we play in advancing accessibility, and have long tried to make air travel as accessible as we can.

During the course of its consultation and feedback process, Beijing Capital Airlines has acknowledged that there are barriers in its services to persons with disabilities. In this Accessibility Plan, Beijing Capital Airlines summarizes the actions it will be taking to remove and prevent the barriers faced by persons with disabilities during air travel.

At the outset, Beijing Capital Airlines recognizes that its passengers with disabilities may face certain barriers within the airport terminal, which fall within the scope of the airport authorities. This Accessibility Plan has identified only those barriers to the extent that Beijing Capital Airlines is able to meaningfully address them to assist its passengers with disabilities from the point of check-in, to using the airport lounge, to navigating the airport, to boarding the aircraft and during air travel. To the extent that Beijing Capital Airlines is not able to make changes within the scope of the airport authorities, Beijing Capital Airlines does not address these barriers in this Accessibility Plan.

2. Key Terms

Two important terms are used throughout the Accessibility Plan which are defined in the Accessible Canada Act (ACA).

A barrier is “anything – including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice – that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”

A disability is “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.”

3. Commitment

Beijing Capital Airlines is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for all people. We are committed to the principle of inclusion, to meet the needs of people who would be facing barriers and will do this by identifying, removing and preventing barriers. Beijing Capital Airlines will treat persons with disabilities with dignity and provide equal opportunities as well as barrier-free access.

4. Feedback Process and Contact Information

This Accessibility Plan was developed with the feedback from customers, employees and other stakeholders as part of its consultation process. Beijing Capital Airlines is committed to receiving continued feedback as to the barriers experienced by persons using its services.

For the purposes of providing Beijing Capital Airlines with feedback on this Accessibility Plan or any other feedback concerning accessibility, you may be contact us, anonymously or by including your name and contact information, through following means:

Email us at lzh-han@jdair.net or Call +86 898-95375.

5. Consultation

We consulted persons with disabilities in following ways: advisory panels and air travel customers, adding to our understanding of their journeys. Beijing Capital Airlines also consulted with its employees, who are central to Beijing Capital Airlines ability to provide accessible services and treating all passengers with dignity. In addition, we engaged with government agencies, regulators and other stakeholders in our industry about accessibility.

6. Design and delivery of programs and services

Our customers’ journeys involve many phases, such as booking a reservation, getting from the check-in counter through the airport to the gate, getting on and off the aircraft, and traveling on the aircraft. Beijing Capital Airlines has several policies and processes in place to facilitate our customers’ journeys throughout these phases, supported by significant accessibility training for our employees.

Actions and timelines

In 2023

Significant initial and recurrent accessibility training to our customer-facing employees and third-party contractors.

Accessibility training to all employees who make decisions or develop policies or procedures related to accessibility.

In 2024

Assess current equipment and available options to help with transferring customers with disabilities to/from aircraft seats.

Reinforce awareness and continued implementation of our internal accessibility policies.

In 2025

Enhanced training to customer-facing employees, management, as well as third-party contractors, and enhanced hands-on training to employees providing physical assistance and safe handling of mobility aids.

Improve the transfer of customers with disabilities to/from aircraft seats and the safe transportation of their mobility aids.

Promote awareness of existing policies and procedures.

7. Transportation

Beijing Capital Airlines has accessibility-related interactions with our customers throughout their journey. We are focused on working with manufacturers and all stakeholders in order safely and feasibly to make new aircraft increasingly accessible, including to improve the safe transportation of mobility aids.

Actions and timelines

In 2023

Continue to implement practices to improve Cabin crew assist passengers with disabilities within the aircraft.

In 2024

Ensure that arrangements or agreements with ground handling services provide for accessible services.

In 2025

Assess and improve current special services to passengers with disabilities

8. Built environment

Barriers to the built environment occur when buildings, facilities, aircraft and airport terminals are not accessible or usable by all people.

Beijing Capital Airlines has always been committed to ensuring accessibility for passengers with disabilities onboard its aircraft and in its airport lounges.

Actions and timelines

In 2023

For the passengers with disabilities who request an advanced seat selection, Beijing Capital Airlines will make every effort to provide the selected seat that accommodates the passenger’s needs

In 2024

Engage with airport authorities and ground handlers to ensure that adequate mobility and guidance assistance is provided through the airport segment of the customer’s journey.

In 2025

Assess and analyze possible built environment changes that would improve assistance through airports, in consultation with airport authorities,

9. Information and communication technologies (ICT)

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are important to the work Beijing Capital Airlines does as a foreign air carrier. Accessible ICT may help to remove barriers to persons with disabilities who wish to access Beijing Capital Airlines services online. At the same time, we recognize that some advances in ICT may create barriers to persons who do not have regular access to modern technology and that a range of ICT will ensure that Beijing Capital Airlines services are accessible.

Actions and timelines

In 2023

Continue to improve website booking flow and accessible notice.

In 2024

Maintain our Center for Excellence in digital accessibility to ensure continuous improvement in accessible web design.

In 2025

Work to enhance user experience for website for customers using assistive technology, focusing on customer experience.

10. Communication, other than ICT

Beijing Capital Airlines recognizes that there are areas of communication, which may be improved upon. Communications within Beijing Capital Airlines operations and with passengers using its services need to be easily understandable and accessible to persons with a range of disabilities.

Actions and timelines

In 2023

Beijing Capital Airlines will provide accessible services at its registration counter and ticketing offices. When a person requests additional accessible services such as a mobility aid or accessible communications, Beijing Capital Airlines staff will provide communications in clear, concise and plain language or handwriting.

In 2024

Beijing Capital Airlines will provide clear and easy-to-understand signage with flight information at check-in counter and boarding gate within the airport terminal.

In 2025

For persons with disabilities who require, but do not travel with an aide, Beijing Capital Airlines will arrange manpower to escort the passenger to the terminal gate.

11. Procurement of goods, services and facilities

Beijing Capital Airlines recognizes that in order to ensure an accessible future for its employees and persons using its air transportation services, including the services of ground handlers and airport terminal operations used by its passengers, accessibility must be considered when planning and purchasing new goods, services, and facilities wherever possible.

Beijing Capital Airlines has always complied with local government regulation include accessibility when entering into new contractual agreements for the procurement of goods, services and facilities.

Actions and timelines

In 2023

To strengthen Beijing Capital Airlines existing procurement policy to ensure that new goods and services do not create accessibility barriers.

In 2024

Continue to evaluate current procurement policies, processes, and tools to improve accessibility.

Identify suppliers who can provide accessibility services.

In 2025

Engage with airport authorities, security and customs to identify opportunities for accessible sourcing.

12. Conclusion

Beijing Capital Airlines is committed to removing barriers and advancing accessibility in air travel and employmentand committed to delivering on the goals set out in our Plan, to collaborating with all stakeholders within the aviation ecosystem towards a more accessible air travel experience, and to listening to our customers and employees. Beijing Capital Airlines will publish an updated Accessibility Plan every three years and updates on our progress every year until then.

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